Qorel Software Inc.

A brand is the accumulated perceptions and experiences related to a product, service or organization. Logo design is the art of capturing the core essence of a company or organization, through the use of typography, colour, and iconography. Designing options for a logo that reflects the positioning and attributes of that brand.

A brand is the accumulated perceptions and experiences related to a product, service or organization. A key component of a strong brand identity is the brand’s “look and feel”: the support typographic style, the colour palette, imagery style, etc. There is a saying that you get one chance to make a good first impression, and brand launches are therefore vitally important to get right.

Corel and Quark merge

Corporate name:              Qorel Software Inc.

Brand name:                      Qorel (use the brand name for the logo)

Stakeholders:                     Consumers (individual, institutional, corporate), employees, investment community, media, software retailers

Competitors                       Adobe, Microsoft, SmithMicro Software, Extensis, Apple, Dell, other computer, software brands


Positioning and attributes  

Affordable software empowering creative professionals everywhere

Qorel empowers creative professionals everywhere in the world. Our full suite of products, including Qorel Draw, Qorel XPress, PaintShop Pro, VideoStudio, WinDVD, WordPerfect Office and WinZip, provides the power to writers, designers, filmmakers and other artists to create. Our integrated approach to digital software ensures that our products and services are exciting and affordable.


Key attribute:                     Empowering

Valued attributes:              Integrated, Creative, Affordable, Professional

Tablestakes attributes:       Innovative, Quality-conscious, Accessible, Global, Exciting, Powerful



Adobe, over the past several years has captured most of the market of software aimed at the creative industry. With software like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and to some extent, Adobe PageMaker, it grew into a commanding position. When Adobe introduce InDesign and began packaging their software into suites such as Creative Suite on both Macintosh and PCs platforms, Adobe effectively forced out all competitors.

Adobe then introduced Creative Cloud with a subscription fee structure, and customers in all markets grew angry with Adobe’s virtual monopoly, thus providing an opening for a competitor.

Corel, which originally was just a lower-cost, less powerful graphics software company aimed at the PC market, realizes that in order to not just grow, but also survive, it has to offer suites that are competitive to Adobe’s packaged software bundles. Quark makes QuarkXPress, which used to be the dominant desktop publishing software, but found its market share collapse when Adobe introduced InDesign. Corel and Quark have therefore decided to merge.

This project is to design the new corporate brand identity. Product brands are not part of the scope of this project. Do not base your design on the existing Corel and/or Quark logos.





3D Igrashi Letterform