Motion Design

Logo Identity

This motion graphic is about my name, the style of it shows my personality.

My motion design aims to show about myself. I show my initial first and show my full name later. I use my favorite colors in the 3D Initial part and the words pumps up like candies. Then I show the full name in similar style with 2D technique. When audience see it, I want they have preliminary understanding about me.

I use Cinema 4D and After Effects as the main tools to finish my motion design. The initial 3D part is created by Cinema 4D, I rendered 2 video through different angle. The first one I use a moving camera to follow the particles to create a sense of mysterious. Another one I use a still camera to show the full scene for audience to understand I want to show. Then I put those two videos in After Effects and add 2D part. My full name is animated through Ae and use the similar elements to make connections.




Digital Motion (Stephen Hawking/ALS)


Universe's Love Letter